Un porte-conteneurs attaqué par des pirates dans le Golfe de Guinée

Un porte-conteneurs détenu et exploité par un groupe maritime allemand a été attaqué par des pirates dans le golfe de Guinée.

Un porte-parole de la société Peter Doehle Schiffart et Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, qui exploite Maersk Tema, a déclaré au tabloïd danois Ekstra Bladet que deux petits navires se sont approchés du porte-conteneurs vendredi dans le golfe de Guinée.

« Le personnel à bord du navire a vu que les navires approchaient et a suivi les procédures d’urgence », a déclaré Dustin Eno. «Nous avons immédiatement signalé l’incident aux autorités locales.»

Le groupe Maersk à Copenhague, au Danemark, a déclaré que malgré son nom, il ne s’agissait pas d’un de leurs navires.

« Nous faisons bien sûr tout notre possible pour soutenir cette terrible situation », a déclaré la compagnie maritime danoise dans un communiqué à l’Associated Press.

Le Bureau maritime international affirme que le golfe de Guinée est le plus dangereux pour les équipages de navires après que la piraterie y a bondi de plus de 50% l’année dernière.

Pour lire plus https://intellivoire.net/un-navire-porte-conteneurs-arraisonne-par-des-pirates-dans-le-golfe-de-guinee/

Container ship MAERSK TEMA attacked, Gulf of Guinea


Mikhail VoytenkoNewsFebruary 15, 2020 4:12 am

Feb 15 UPDATE: As of 0400 UTC, container ship still adrift, with Nigerian patrol ship SVS TEACH (IMO 9686534) and Portugal Navy ship at her side. No new information available yet. Nigerian patrol ship SVS TEACH reached MAERSK TEMA in 15 hours after attack alert. Several hours later, she was joined by Portugal Navy ship. Several Nigerian security or patrol boats/ships were much closer to the distressed container ship, than SVS TEACH, but they stick to their assignments and didn’t respond.

1900 UTC UPDATE: The ship is still adrift, Nigerian patrol ship SVS TEACH (IMO 9686534) is steaming towards MAERSK TEMA, will approach her in probably, 2-3 hours. What’s going on? Either pirates are still on board, trying to break into citadel, or they already fled, looting the ship and damaging whatever equipment they could to disable the ship (with crew still being in citadel), or they broke into citadel and kidnapped all the crew, or those essential required to take under way?

There’s something strange in this attack – how did pirates manage to board container ship with high freeboard, sailing at 19+ knots speed, in the daylight? Somalia piracy history and experience taught us, that the ships sailing at 18 and above knots speed, plus high freeboard, were as good as impregnable, especially in the daytime. MAERSK TEMA was sailing from Pointe Noire Congo, will it be too far fetched to assume, that two perpetrators who were reported to appear on board, sneaked into the ship while she was docked at Congo?

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