Facebook – “C’est black-out ce matin, Twitter est content”

C’est Twitter qui nous l’apprend: Facebook ne répond plus ce matin. Le concurrent du plus célèbre réseau social s’en donne à cœur joie sur cette rupture -momentanée?- d’anévrisme virtuel.

Dans un premier temps, le serveur gigotait encore depuis les applications mobiles sur smartphone et tablettes numériques, tandis que www.facebook.com affichait déjà une erreur réseau en plein écran.

Black-out total

Puis, plus rien. Black-out total. De partout. Pour l’heure, on ignore encore les raisons de cette coupure. Les rumeurs les plus folles circulent déjà sur la Toile.

Notamment celle d’un site surchargé devenu ingérable.

Développement suit.



Facebook is down in Europe

Facebook is down in Europe. It’s not clear how widespread the issue is, but I have heard reports from users being unable to access the social network from Albania, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the U.K. There have also been whispers of Facebook not working in Egypt, Ghana, Pakistan, South Africa, and UAE, though these have been harder to confirm.

If you’re elsewhere in the world and can’t access Facebook right now, please let me know. If you are in the above countries and can access Facebook, please let me know as well.

Some people in the listed countries can still access Facebook; it appears to depend on what Internet Service Provider (ISP) you are using. You may thus be able to access Facebook from a friend’s place. Try accessing it from your phone, as that also might work.

The root of the problem is likely a DNS issue, rather than a global routing or site availability problem. One user told me the company’s two announced servers (glb1.facebook.com and glb2.facebook.com) are reachable but not answering requests. Another said he used a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to change his IP address to a U.S. one and Facebook started working.

It’s working just fine for me, but I’m located in Canada. At the time of writing, downforeveryoneorjustme.com/facebook.com says Facebook is working just fine: “It’s just you. http://facebook.com is up.”

Meanwhile, downrightnow.com/facebook says Facebook’s current status is “Likely Service Disruption.” You can see what I mean in the screenshot above.

I have contacted Facebook and will update you if I hear back.

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