Xénophobie ? Faux, plutôt un Échec de l’Afrique du Sud post-Apartheid


Sur mon Facebook, je lis beaucoup de propos très durs sur les Sud-Africains « ingrats et xénophobes » qui chassent et tuent leurs frères africains. Pour ma part, je suis déçu de ce qui se passe à Durban, mais il ne faut pas oublier qu’il s’agit d’incidents très localisés. Et je veux voir au-delà de ces ignobles agressions. Elles sont pour moi le signe d’un échec. Échec de l’Afrique du Sud post-apartheid, qui n’a pas su améliorer la situation des masses noires qu’une partie de l’élite pousse à désigner l’étranger comme commode bouc émissaire. Échec aussi de l’Afrique de manière générale. L’Africain est l’être humain qui émigre le plus au monde et il émigre avant tout par la route et à l’intérieur du continent. Poussé hors de son pays d’origine par la faim ou la guerre, il se rue vers les rares zones de prospérité très relative (Afrique du Sud, Côte d’Ivoire, Maghreb) qui existent. Il faut croire que le fameux « seuil de tolérance » existe vraiment, vu que cette émigration massive produit généralement quelques réactions d’intolérance. Si le Zimbabwe, la RDC ou la Somalie allaient mieux, il est évident qu’il y aurait moins de migrants, donc moins de problèmes de cohabitation en Afrique du Sud. Les rêves des jeunes Africains devraient pouvoir s’incarner là où ils sont nés. Ce qui n’est pas le cas. Voici le scandale des scandales.

Théophile Kouamouo


The Thabo Mbeki Foundation (TMF) has noted with grave concern, the on going attacks on fellow Africans – and other foreign nationals – from beyond our borders resident in our country.

As is our moral and political obligation, we join millions of South Africans in unequivocal condemnation of this criminality and commend efforts by the government to bring it to an end.

The attacks, some of which have resulted in deaths, injuries and damage to property offend not only the human dignity of the victims, but that of the vast majority of South Africans.

We call on those of our fellow nationals who are participants in these base misdeeds to stop!

Most importantly, we also call on members of our communities to work together with the South African Police Service, the government as a whole and community organisations that are involved in efforts to stop the attacks.

To our fellow Africans, we would like them to know that these actions by a few among us do not reflect the South African character. Long before the discovery of diamonds and gold, this part of Africa has always welcomed migrants from elsewhere on the continent and further afield.

The discovery of gold in the Witwatersrand in 1886 brought together Africans from all over the region to work in the mines and other industries. The descendants of these immigrants have, over the centuries, integrated into our society as South Africans and played an important role in the development of South Africa.

Limiting ourselves only to those who came from around the continent, we recall, with immense pride of our national and common African heritage, the contribution of Clements Kadalie, a Malawian by origin who established the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union in 1919, Nobel Laureate Chief Albert Luthuli and Thomas Nkobi, both originally from Zimbabwe but who made enormous contributions to the struggle against apartheid.

The TMF believes that our country is challenged to engage in conversation about all elements that relate to this subject matter. Beyond the fundamental task of working as a nation to achieve a better life for all our people, on which we embarked in 1994, and which we know will still take time, these include:

‪#‎an‬ education curriculum that is unashamedly African; one that exposes young Africans to the continent’s contribution to human civilisation and promotes the understanding that like any people and peoples, as Africans, we sink or swim together!

#an examination by our media, especially the public broadcaster, of their output and the extent to which it promotes national and continental objectives on such matters as non-racialism, non-sexism, national cohesion and the African renaissance;

‪#‎the‬ promotion of a common national patriotism based on commitment to the inclusive values espoused in the constitution. Narrow and exclusive identity constructs are not imbued with the qualities of the Pan African spirit we need in dealing with the on going attacks on fellow Africans and others; and,

‪#‎expunging‬ from our discourse, bigoted language such as “Makwerekwere” and seemingly benign but unhelpful clichés that we often hear about, for example, that of South Africa as a “Gateway to Africa,” as though we were somewhere outside and far away from the African Continent.

Issued by the Thabo Mbeki Foundation
April 17, 2015

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